Holland Pools uses the most advanced leak detection known in the industry. Detecting vinyl liner leaks no longer consists of hiring a scuba diver to scour to bottom looking for leaks and tears. Too often a small leak is too easy for a scuba diver to miss. As a result, small leaks are missed and the problem persists. Today’s leak detection uses electronic devices to quickly locate even the smallest leaks.
Holland Pools uses the Anderson Leakalyzer. The Leakalyzer enables rapid determination of a pool’s water loss. It measures level changes to the 10,000 of an inch, allowing the leak to be identified in minutes. The Leakalyzer is so sensitive that water loss less than a gallon in a 35,000 gallon pool is easily determined.
Holland Pools also uses the Anderson LeakTrac 2400. The LeakTrac 2400 uses patented technology to direct you to even the smallest pinhole leaks in minutes. The LeakTrac 2400 finds leaks by putting a small electrical charge into the pool water, then it tracks the flow of electricity as it makes connections to the ground through conductive penetrations in the liner.
Testing the underground pipes is done by using pressurized air from an air compressor and special plugs to isolate the pipe. By using pressurized air it is also common to be able to isolate the location of the break and then make the necessary repairs. Replacing pipes can be some of the costliest repairs. Finding the leak and repairing it is faster and less costly.